Tertiary Education

“That ICPA (Aust) advocates to the Federal Government to extend the Commonwealth Prac Payments for practicums undertaken in rural and remote areas especially in the areas of study such as Allied Health, Veterinary Science and Medicine.”


ICPA Charleville Branch thanks the Minister for Education the Hon. Jason Clare and the Federal Government for acknowledging the need for Paid Practicum Placements in the areas of Teaching, Nursing and Social Work, as recommended in the Australian Universities Accord but implores ICPA (Aust) to continue to lobby the Federal Government to widen this list to include other areas of study to acknowledge the huge cost impost that undertaking these mandatory practicums holds.

For students to apply and to accept a practicum in a rural area will often mean paying rent at place of study as well as in the prac location, either taking leave or having to resign from part time employment, travel costs and in general living away from home expenses.

Charleville Branch, like many other branches across Australia, offer a $300 Bursary to Education Students who choose schools in Charleville or Morven in Remote South-west Queensland to undertake their prac work.  This is a small acknowledgement of the costs associated in relocating to a rural and remote area and a recognition that we truly appreciate their interest in working remotely.

Veterinary Science Students, as a mandatory part of their studies must undertake around 54 weeks in total, depending on the University attending, of unpaid placement over the duration of their course.  Occupational Therapy students must complete a minimum of 1000 unpaid hours and Speech Pathologists may be required as part of their course to complete a mandatory rural and remote placement.

To ensure that we continue to attract and retain Allied Health, Medicine and Veterinary Professionals to Rural and Remote areas into the future we must be able to provide prac placements that do not impart a significant financial burden on the student.